Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour Sings Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18


David Gilmour Sonnet 18

What happens when the co-lead vocalist of one of your favourite rock bands sings to the lyrics of the world ‘s greatest playwright ? Awesomeness is created 🙂

I’m talking about Pink Floyd + William Shakespeare here. Heard David Gilmour (of the progressive rock band Pink Floyd)  giving melody to Sonnet 18 ( by William Shakespeare) in one of the videos a few days back. I had to share it here. What a brilliant combination. Loved it.

The sonnet 18 is one the most famous in the sequence of Shakespearean sonnets. In fact it is one of the most popular lyrical poems in English language. As for Floyd , where do i start ? They perfected what others had started, and they created their own place in music by doing what they felt was right. They make great songs .

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